Many companies provide USB drives that provide some kind of security. Below is a list of what you need to expect from your USB drive...
- Hardware encryption for sensitive files
- Internet Authentication
- keeping your Private keys secure
- 100% mobility (can use the USB on any computer)
- Secure surfing from any computer
- Passwords Manager (no need to type the passwords again and again), that will protect you against key loggers
- Remember the username and passwords (after first login)
- Protect against Phishing (will log you automatically only if the site matches the original signature to prevent Phishing)
- Data can be shared between USB’s (in case that you have few employees)
- Allow backup all the USB data in a secure way (in case of lost USB)
- Privacy Internet surfing (Will prevent MITM attack and session hijack, Uses known DNS servers (if your DNS server or hosts file is poisoned, Using a secured tunnel from your machine to the supplier servers)
The prices range of these products is between $70-$200 per USB key.